Hi, I’m qt1b, a student interrested in cybersecurity, developpement and language learning. You may find various article in this site, from writeups of the CTF that I solved to content thay I find worth sharing.
Small Brainfuck reversing challenge @ Grehack2024 - WTBF
Difficulty: Medium Description: WTF if going on here? Author: Olivier For this Chall, we’re given a single text file: ++++++++++++++[>+++>+++>+++>++++++>+++<<<<<-] >>+++++>++++++>++++++++>>++++++++++++++++++ [>++++++>+++++>+++>++++>++++++++>+++++>++++++++ >+++>+++++++++++>+++++++>++>++++>++++++++>+++++++++++ +>++++++>++++++++++++>+++++++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-] >++++++++++++>++++++++++>>+++>++++>++++++++++++>+>+++++++++++++++>+> ++++++++++>+++++++++>+++>++++>++++++++++++++++>++++++>+>++++++++++++++++ [>>,[<+++>-]<+[<->-]<[]<] < [.<] This obviously looks like Brainfuck code. The first reaction is to convert to another language. Lots of converters can be found online, such as brainfuck to C converters. By doing so, it is easier to identify the program into three parts....