pwndgb cheatsheet

pwndbg is a collection of gdb plugins to facilitate pwn and reversing in GDB. Official Cheatsheet hexdump [address] [number of bytes] dumps you [number of bytes] bytes in memory starting from [register] canaries prints you info about canaries found in the binary and their addresses.

1 min · qt1b

pwntools cheatsheet

Links Complete Cheatsheet w/ examples Official Doc Binaries p = process('/binary') e = ELF('./binary') creates an ELF object, allowing you to access symbols, addresses… rop = ROP(e) Dealing with Network Netcat When you’re given a nc <address> <port> command, its equivalent is r = remote(address, port) Strings != Bytes pwntools reference To convert a string to a Bytes array, do s.encode('charmap'), with s your string.

1 min · qt1b